

1 کامپیوتر و شبکه:: هشتگ

• Extracting entities such as user mentions, hashtags, and URLs from tweets Twitter places no particular re‐ strictions on the persona of an account and relies on self-organizing behavior such as following relationships and folksonomies that emerge from the use of hashtags to create a certain kind of order within the system. Tweet entities are essentially the user mentions, hashtags, URLs, and media that may be associated with a tweet, and places are locations in the real world @ptwobrussell and @SocialWebMining, the hashtag #social, and the URL http:// on.fb.me/16WJAf9. That's a lot of metadata that's packed into fewer than 140 characters and illustrates just how potent a short quip can be: it can unambiguously refer to multiple other Twitter users, link to web pages, and cross-reference topics with hashtags that act as points of aggregation and horizontally slice through the entire Twitterverse in an easily searchable fashion.

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