داستان آبیدیک

hyperspectral technology


1 عمومی:: فناوری تصویربرداری فراطیفی

Con- cerning this incident, a mental rehearsal was carried out for reviewing step by step in which ways the hyperspectral technology and smartphone technology could have been utilized in the CBRNE countermeasures of this emergency. The rehearsal indicated that at the beginning of the threat situation, it may have been possible to use hyperspectral technology from a distance to determine, without touching and sampling, something about the chemical contents of the container had it been brought with an unmanned airborne or ground-based vehicle in direct visual contact with the tank or with the leaking steam. The experiment also implies that hyperspectral technology can be used for tracing the logistics trail of transporting and handling a suspicious CBRNE source. Can hyperspectral technology and smartphone technology be used for Evaluation is carried out separately for hyperspectral technology and for smartphone technology.

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