داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: فشار خون بالا، فشار خون، فشارخون بالا، فشار خون

In indi- viduals with hypertension (high blood pressure), the chronic increased aortic pressure eventually leads to Over the past decade, population-based increases have been seen in both population norms of blood pressure in children and in incidence of hypertension.11-13 Pediatric hyperten- sion is discussed in more detail in Clinical Implications Box 8-1. Hypertension: An Issue for Children and Adults Hypertension (HTN) has long been identified as a serious health problem for adults, increasing the risk for development of heart disease, stroke, renal dis- ease, etc. In the past decade, increased attention has been paid to the prevalence of hypertension in chil- dren and its related outcomes.،Low potassium intake has been associated with a number of NCDs, including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney stone formation and low bone-mineral density. Hypertension is considered a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, particularly coronary heart disease and stroke. Thus, the burden of morbidity and mortality from hypertension and related NCDs is currently one of the most urgent public health problems globally. Blood pressure during childhood has a significant association with blood pressure during adulthood, meaning that children with increased blood pressure are at high risk for hypertension and its related morbidities as adults (16). Reduced potassium consumption has been associated with hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, and appropriate consumption levels could be protective against these conditions (8).،disorders such as hypertension and diabetes, to geriatric syndromes ■ HYPERTENSION In the United States, 70% of older adults have hypertension. clinical trials have demonstrated the benefits of hypertension of tight control of hypertension on the incidence of falls and cognitive،Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, prescribed for hypertension or congestive heart failure, can cause miscarriage or deformity in the baby. During the third trimester, it may reduce the amount of amniotic fluid or cause pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in baby's lungs). These include Marfan syndrome with a severely enlarged aorta, severe aortic stenosis, severe pulmonary hypertension, Eisenmenger syndrome, and congestive heart failure. A history of chronic hypertension, kidney disease or both Gestational hypertension

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: افزایش‌ فشار خون‌، (ط‌ب‌) فشار خون‌، بیماری‌ فشار خون‌، پرفشاری خون

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