داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: نشریه‌، مشکل، پی‌ امد، شماره، بر امد، صادر کردن، فرستادن‌، خارج‌، مسئله، بیرون‌امدن‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: خروج

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: issue verbs discuss/debate an issue • They met to discuss the issue of working conditions at the factory. raise an issue/bring up an issue (= say an issue should be discussed ) • Some important issues were raised at the meeting. deal with/tackle an issue ( also address an issue formal ) • The government must deal with the issue of gun crime. • The company said that it will address the issue at the next scheduled board meeting. decide/settle/resolve an issue (= solve it ) • The issue was settled after some tough negotiations. • No deadline has been set to resolve the issue. face an issue (= accept that an issue exists and deal with it ) • Politicians seem to be reluctant to face the issue. avoid/evade an issue ( also dodge/duck an issue informal ) (= avoid discussing an issue ) • There is no point in evading the issue any longer. confuse/cloud/muddy the issue (= make an issue more difficult to understand or deal with than it needs to be ) • You must not let your feelings cloud the issue. highlight an issue (= bring attention to it ) • The minister used his speech to highlight the issue of global warming. an issue comes up ( also an issue arises formal ) (= people started to discuss it ) • The issue arose during a meeting of the Budget Committee. the issues surrounding something • This chapter discusses the ethical issues surrounding genetically modified foods. adjectives a political/social/economic etc issue • They discussed a number of political issues. an important issue • The committee met several times to discuss this important issue. a key/major/big issue (= very important ) • For me, the big issue is cost. a difficult/complex issue • He was able to grasp complex issues quickly. a controversial/sensitive issue (= an issue that causes strong feelings and arguments ) • Abortion is a controversial issue. a thorny issue ( also a vexed issue formal ) (= a difficult one that causes disagreement ) • Illegal immigration is always a thorny issue. a burning issue (= a very important and urgent issue ) • For country-dwellers, transport is a burning issue. wider issues (= more general issues, that affect more people or things ) • This is a question that raises much wider issues. a topical issue (= an issue that is important at the present time ) • The magazine discusses topical issues in science. the underlying issue (= the cause, or a more important problem that is related to something ) • This research explores some of the underlying issues related to high unemployment. a fundamental issue (= a basic and important issue ) • Decisions still need to be made about some fundamental issues. an unresolved issue (= that has not been dealt with ) • A number of unresolved issues remain before the treaty can be signed. phrases a range of issues • A range of issues were debated at the meeting. something is not the issue spoken (= something is not the most important problem or part ) • Price alone is not the issue.


2 general:: see AT ISSUE; TAKE ISSUE WITH.

American Heritage Idioms

3 general::   verb ADV. formally the bank which formally issues and handles these credit cards | directly The safest cheques are those issued directly by the bank?known as bankers' draughts. | jointly a document issued jointly by the Treasury and the Home Office | immediately, promptly He left the company and promptly issued a writ claiming $45 million in damages. PREP. against (formal) Arrest warrants were issued against 16 of the protesters. | on behalf of a statement issued on behalf of the UN Secretary-General | to The new guidelines have been issued to all doctors. | with Some of the police were issued with rifles. PHRASES newly issued newly issued banknotes,   noun problem ADJ. big, burning, central, critical, crucial, important, key, main, major, vital Europe remains the burning issue within the party. | wider The problem raises wider issues of gender and identity. | minor, side | basic, fundamental | real The real issue is where the power lies. | contentious, controversial, difficult, thorny the controversial issue of censorship | complex | live, unresolved The strike of ten years ago is still very much a live issue in the town. | domestic, global, international, local, national, regional | commercial, constitutional, economic, educational, environmental, ethical, health, moral, policy, political, social, technical, theoretical QUANT. number, range, series VERB + ISSUE raise | debate, discuss This evening we're debating the issue of the legalization of soft drugs. | decide, settle A referendum was held to settle the issue. | address, consider, deal with, examine, explore, look at, tackle | clarify | focus on We really need to focus on this one issue and not get sidetracked. | touch on The issue of birth control was touched on, but we need to examine it in more detail. | highlight The report highlights three issues. | confuse This argument should not be allowed to confuse the issue. | avoid, evade ISSUE + VERB arise issues arising from the survey | underlie sth A more important issue underlies this debate. PREP. at ~ What you say is interesting, but it does not affect the point at issue here. | on an/the ~ She spoke on the issue of private health care. | ~ about fundamental issues about working conditions | ~ concerning issues concerning the environment | ~ relating to The conference examined key issues relating to the reform. one in a series of publications ADJ. current | back | special a special issue of stamps VERB + ISSUE bring out, publish ISSUE + VERB come out, go on sale | be out PREP. in an/the ~ an article in the current issue of ‘Newsweek’

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

4 general:: noun edition: The new issue of stamps is out today. verb dispense: We will issue books to each student. noun question: The issue is whether we should go.

Simple Definitions

معنی‌های پیشنهادی کاربران

میثم دعایی (دانشجوی کارشناسی حقوق) 19 اردیبهشت 1402
دستور کار . Clear Directive : دستور کار روشن . به نظرم ترجمه Directive به رهنمودها نمیتواند در مورد اتحادیه اروپا صحیح باشد . استدلالم مبتنی بر تعریف Directive در ماده 288 معاهده کارکرد اتحادیه اروپا TFEU است. در این ماده ابزارهای اصلی سازو کار نظام تقنینی Legislation اتحادیه به چهار نوع تقسیم شده: 1- regulation مقررات 2- directives و 3- decisions تصویب نامه ها و 4- Recommendation نظرات مشورتی . سپس در ادامه متن ماده تعریف مختصری از هر کدام از واژه های قوق ارایه میشود . Directives اینچنین تعریف شده : A "directive" is a legislative act that sets out a goal that all EU countries must achieve. However, it is up to the individual countries to devise their own laws on how to reach these goals . لایحه ای تقنینی که اهدافی که همه کشورهای عضو اتحادیه "باید " به آن برسند را مشخص میکند . هر چندٍٍ شیوه رسیدن به این اهداف و تدابیر قانونی اتخاذ شده در سطح ملی بستگی به نظر هر یک از کشورهای عضو دارد . / به عبارت دیگر این قسم از لوایح تقنینی در سطح هدفگذاری برای همه اعضا الزام آورند و تنها درباره شیوه رسیدن به اهداف به اعضا اختیار داده شده. آیا میتوان یک لایحه نقنینی که دارای چنین وجه الزام آوری آنهم برای همه اعضای یک اتحادیه است را به "رهنمود " ترجمه کرد ؟ به گمان من خیر زیرا رهنمود دارای بار معنایی اختیاری و ارشادی است در حالی که تعریف نص ماده 288 معاهده کارکرد اتحادیه اروپا به صراحت بر جنبه غیراختیاری و الزام آور تاکید دارد . به همین دلیل من واژه رهنمود را در اینجا برای این کلمه مناسب نمیدانم و به نظرم معادل درست واژه " دستور کار " است . چیزی شبیه سند های چشم انداز در کشورهای مختلف. این واژه با آن بخش از تعریف انگلیسی که میگوید هیچ تصمیمی بدون وجود یک Directive صزیح آغاز نمیشود . یک "رهنمود " چیزی جز توصیه ای مشفقانه نیست .و نمیتوان پذیرفت اغاز شدن هر روند اجرایی متوقف بر رهنمودها باشد . در حالی با "دستور کار " این ناهماهنگی زبانی نیز رفع میشود . از سوی دیگر Recommendations هم نمیتوان به پیشنهادات ترجمه کرد. پیشنهاد بار معنایی کلی و موسعی دارد که با زبان حقوقی تقنین ساز و گار نیست . در حالی که ما واژه " نظریات مشورتی " را داریم که در حقوق ما هم مشابه همان کارکرد را در نظام تقنینی اتحادیه دارد . این استدلال من بود . درست و نادرستش را نمیدانم چون یک دانشجوی کارشناسی سال سوم بیشتر نیستم و صلاحیت علمی را ندارم . اگر اساتید و دانشجویانی که نظر بهتری برای ترجمه این واژه ها دارند لطف کنند بنویسند که نظرم اصلاح شود . با سپاس
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