داستان آبیدیک




1 عمومی:: دلالی‌، امر، شغل‌، مقاط‌عه‌ كاری‌ كردن‌، ایوب‌، سمت‌، كار

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general::   noun employment ADJ. high-powered, top It's one of the top jobs in management. | decent, good, worthwhile | interesting | plum The plum jobs all went to friends of the prime minister. | cushy His father found him a cushy job in the office, with almost nothing to do and a whacking great salary. | dream, ideal What would be your dream job? | boring, dead-end, menial, routine, undemanding He was forced to take a series of menial jobs. | challenging, demanding, difficult, taxing | highly-paid, well-paid | badly-paid, low-paid | full-time, part-time | 9-to-5 | regular, steady He was tempted to give up freelancing and get a regular job. | permanent, temporary | holiday, summer, vac/vacation | evening, Saturday, weekend | paid, unpaid | manual, non-manual | semi-skilled, skilled, unskilled | blue-collar, white-collar | desk a desk job in the police housing department | proper He'd done lots of part-time work, but this was his first proper job. | manufacturing, teaching VERB + JOB have She's got a very good job with a local firm of solicitors. | look for | apply for, go for | find, get, land, take She got a temporary job stacking shelves. He's just landed himself a highly-paid job in the City. | lose He's frightened of losing his job. | give up, pack in, resign from | hold down, keep He's always had difficulty holding down a job. | advertise I saw the job advertised on the Internet. | interview (sb) for We're interviewing for the job in the Sales Department. | give sb, offer sb | create, provide (sb with) It is hoped that the scheme will create new jobs in the region. | axe, cut, shed Management are hoping to shed 200 jobs. | protect, safeguard The deal between the union and management should safeguard 6,000 jobs. | do I'm only doing my job (= doing what I am paid to do). | know He certainly knows his job (= is very good at his job). JOB + VERB pay The job doesn't pay very well. | go 250 jobs are to go at the local steel plant. JOB + NOUN search The first step in a job search is to prepare an up-to-date CV. | ad, advertisement | vacancy | application | interview | title His job title is Chief Hygiene Operative. | description, specifications Cleaning the office is not in my job description. | market There is an enormous job market for teachers at the moment. | cuts, losses | creation | opportunities, prospects | satisfaction How would you rate your job satisfaction? | security Workers questioned rated job security as being more important than high salary. | hunter, seeker Local companies are holding an open day for job seekers. | sharing The introduction of job sharing could prevent the need for redundancies. PREP. in a/the ~ There's not much chance of promotion in a job like that. | on the ~ You will receive training on the job. | out of a ~ She found herself out of a job when her boss died. | ~ as She's got a job as a waitress. | ~ at She got a teaching job at the university. | ~ for jobs for women | ~ in a job in food retailing a job in a large firm | ~ with He moved to a better-paid job with another employer. PHRASES a loss of jobs The closure of the cement factory will mean the loss of over 800 jobs. | the right person for the job Despite the small number of applicants, they managed to find the right person for the job. task ADJ. admirable, amazing, excellent, fine, first-rate, good, grand, magnificent, marvellous, professional, terrific, thorough, wonderful | difficult, hard, tough They gave me the tough job of telling applicants that they'd been rejected. | easy | important | big, long | little, small | fiddly, tedious fiddly little jobs like wiring plugs | dirty | unenviable Cooper had the unenviable job of announcing the redundancies. VERB + JOB do, make You've done a grand job with that decorating. Try wedging it open?that should do the job (= be effective/successful). She made a very good job of covering up the damage. | have (on) You'll have a hard job convincing them that you're right. The builder has a couple of jobs on at the moment. | give sb | take on She's taken on the job of organizing the Christmas party. | get on with I want to get on with the job of painting my room today. PREP. ~ in The author has done an admirable job in compiling all this material. | ~ of He made a very professional job of replacing the windows. | ~ on You've done a good job on the car. PHRASES get a job done We're hoping to get the job done this weekend. | odd jobs (= small, practical jobs) I spend most Saturdays doing odd jobs around the house. crime ADJ. bank | inside (= done by sb in the organization where the crime happens) VERB + JOB do He got six months for that last job he did. | bungle The gang bungled the job and got caught.NOTEjobsbe, work as ~ She's a well-known writer. Her father, a trained chef, now works as a bus driver.study to be, train as, train to be ~ She trained as a painter and sculptor.start (work) as ~ He started work as a trainee chef.become, qualify as ~ She qualified as a vet last year.employ (sb as), have The company employs more than 1500 engineers.engage (sb as), get, hire (sb as), recruit, take on ~ They have recruited a new designer.appoint, appoint sb (as), make sb ~ are usually used with academic, official or highly responsible jobs: He was appointed Professor of Law at Yale. At 39 she was made chairman of the board.dismiss, fire, sack ~ The club have sacked their coach. PROFESSIONAL

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

2 general:: noun employment: He needs a job to earn some money. noun task: It is a tough job but he can do it.

Simple Definitions

3 general:: job noun [ countable ] the regular paid work that you do for an employer: • a full-time job • John got a job in a car factory. work noun [ uncountable ] activities that you are paid for doing – used either when you work for an employer or when you work in your own business: • I started work when I was 18. • He graduated from college last year and is still looking for work. profession noun [ countable ] a job for which you need special education and training: • There are now a lot more women in the legal profession . • Many teachers are leaving the profession. occupation noun [ countable ] formal a job, or a type of job – often used on official documents: • Please give your name, age, and occupation. • a traditionally male occupation career noun [ countable ] the work you do or plan to do for most of your life: • I’m interested in a career in journalism. position noun [ countable ] formal a particular job within an organization: • I am writing to apply for the position of technical assistant. • We regret that the position has already been filled. • Please state the position which you are applying for. post noun [ countable ] formal a job, especially an important one in a large organization: • She has held the post of managing director for two years. • He applied for the post of Senior Manager. vacancy/opening noun [ countable ] a job that is available for someone to do: • The hospital has been unable to fill the vacancy . • There are very few openings in scientific research. appointment noun [ countable ] an important job which someone is asked to do: • He took an appointment as US trade ambassador in Geneva. posting noun [ countable ] a situation in which someone is sent somewhere to do a job for a period of time by the organization they work for: • This was his first posting outside the UK. • an overseas posting • His next posting took him to the Ministry of Defence. trade noun [ countable ] a job that involves using your hands, and for which you need special training: • Most of the men had worked in skilled trades such as carpentry and printing. employment noun [ uncountable ] the fact of having a job: • The factory will provide employment for local people. • She was offered employment in the sales office.



American Heritage Idioms

5 general:: job verbs have a job • Mark doesn’t have a job right now. apply for a job • I’ve applied for a job at the university. offer somebody a job • Well, Miss Taylor, we’d like to offer you the job. get/find a job • Eventually, Mary got a job as a waitress. land a job (= get a job, especially unexpectedly ) • My husband finally landed a job in marketing. take a job (= accept a job you are offered ) • I was so desperate that I took the first job that came along. hold down a job (= keep a job ) • He had never been able to hold down a job. lose your job • At least there’s no danger of you losing your job. leave/quit your job • Oh, Rick, you didn’t quit your job, did you? be out of a job (= not have a job ) • If the project fails, we’re all out of a job. adjectives temporary/permanent • The job is only temporary, but I’m hoping it will be made permanent. part-time/full-time • He had a part-time job at the pet shop. a steady job (= a job that is likely to continue ) • I haven’t had a steady job since last March. a dead-end job (= a job with low wages and no chance of progress ) • He had a series of dead-end jobs. job + NOUN job satisfaction (= the enjoyment you get from your job ) • Levels of job satisfaction vary between departments. job security (= how permanent your job is likely to be ) • As an actor, he has very little job security. job losses/cuts • The factory is closing, with 600 job losses.


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