داستان آبیدیک

labor and environmental standard


1 اقتصاد:: استانداردهای کار و محیط زیست

The conundrum arises from the inconsistency between their demands for maneuvering space to implement their development policies, on the one hand, and their complaints about Northern protectionism in agriculture, textiles, and labor and environmental standards, on the other. The demands of these two disenfranchised groups are often perceived to be conflicting--over questions such as labor and environmental standards or the transparency of the dispute settlement procedures-- allowing the advanced industrial countries and the leadership of the WTO to seize the "middle" ground. Some of these objections have a legitimate core, and it is important that developing nations understand and accept this.21 Under a sensible set of global trade rules, industrialized countries would have as much right to "protect" their own social arrangements--in areas such as labor and environmental standards, welfare-state arrangements, rural communities, or industrial organization--as developing nations have to adopt divergent institutional practices. Think of labor and environmental standards, for example. The conundrum arises from the inconsistency between their demands for maneuvering space to implement their development policies, on the one hand, and their complaints about northern protectionism in agriculture, textiles, and labor and environmental standards, on the other.

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