داستان آبیدیک




1 عمومی:: جسم‌، (adj&n): فلز، فلزی‌، ماده‌ مذاب‌، ماده‌، فلز

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general::   noun ADJ. soft | pure | ferrous, non-ferrous | base, heavy, noble, precious, rare, trace, transition | cold, hot the sudden pressure of cold metal against her cheek | bare | solid | gleaming, shining, shiny | tarnished | corroded, rusty | scrap to recycle scrap metal | twisted The bomb left a pile of jagged glass and twisted metal. | ductile | molten | sheet | toxic QUANT. lump, piece, strip VERB + METAL be cast from/in, be made from/(out) of a statue cast in metal The doors are made of metal. | recycle METAL + VERB contract, expand | rust METAL + NOUN alloy | band, bar, box, frame, mesh, plate, rod, sheet | fatigue | detector PREP. in ~ a sculptor who works in metal PHRASES the clang/clash of metal

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

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