داستان آبیدیک



1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: فراانگیزش

A METAMOTIVATIONAL MODEL OF MOTIVATION REGULATION Our conception of metamotivation includes components that parallel both metacognitive monitoring and control. That is, we believe that metamotivation involves (a) assessing whether one is sufficiently or appropriately motivated to complete a particular task or pursue a specific goal and (b) taking strategic actions to adjust or change one's motiva- tion (cf. Importantly, the effects of this knowledge on metamotivational monitoring and control can be either explicit or implicit (e.g. That is, although (for the sake of clarity) we sometimes use language that implies that these metamotivational processes are consciously controlled, we main- tain that they can occur implicitly or automatically, just like metacognitive processes (Reder & Schunn, 1996).

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