They remember that physical science only began to make progress when it became divorced from metaphysics in the Renaissance.
There is no law of logic or mathematics or metaphysics that says that the num- ber of space dimensions has to be three.
They sincerely worry that people will be led astray from the high road of scientific thinking into the barren wastelands of fruitless metaphysical speculation.
Partly this is because they know that these implications are strange, and they would rather not be forced to think about them or discuss them, like the doings of some embarrassing relative; and partly it is because physicists look askance at anything that smacks of metaphysics.
Hermann Weyl, The Open World: Three Lectures on the Metaphysical Implica- tions of Science (New Haven, Conn.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران
متافیزیک، متافیزیک
scartes, Bacon, Newton, Hobbes) this article provides a definition of modernity that coheres to historical and present day conceptions; and treats Heidegger's critique of modernity, technology, and metaphysics as a key to understanding conceptions of postmodern political and social life.
Hence, according to Heidegger, it is necessary to transcend the entire Western tradition of thinking which he designates as " metaphysical."
Heidegger's novel under- standing is that modem technology, far from being anti-metaphysical, represents the final stage of the history of metaphysics.
ger, overcoming technology ultimately requires transcending the entire Western trad- ition of metaphysics.
Heidegger's novel view is that technology is the final culmination of metaphysics.،Thus profound metaphysics is rooted in an implicit geometry which - whether we will or no - confers spatiality upon thought; if a metaphysician could not draw, what would he think?
Many metaphysical systems would need mapping.
There is no advantage to metaphysics for its thinking to be cast in the molds of linguistic fossils.
To benefit by all the lessons of modern psychology and all that has been learned about man's being through psychoanalysis, metaphysics should therefore be resolutely discursive.
First of all, it must be noted that the two terms 'outside' and 'inside' pose problems of metaphysical anthropology that are not symmetrical.
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