داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: وابسته‌به‌)علم‌(كائنات‌ جوی‌

لغت نامه استاندارد انگلیسی به فارسی

2 عمومی:: مقیاس شناسی

6.8.5 Meteorological Data Services: How to Commercialize? Yet another consideration may be to utilize anomaly detection or abnormal group algorithms to analyze data on the lay of the land for road construction, environmental data for traffic pileups, and meteorological data for the seasonal upsets due to wind, rain, or snow. Such data resources should include population growth, vehicular, geographic, environmental, meteorological, and traffic management factors. Under the aegis of meteorological science, traditional dependence on the weather has evolved into observing the weather. However, agriculture as served by meteorological science has come upon two disadvantages.

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