داستان آبیدیک



1 مکانیک:: محفظه احتراق میکرو

An efficient microengme can be realized with a microcombustor, which is capable of producing 10W to SOW of electrical power by consuming only about 7g of jet fuel per hour [23 ], The main challenges fora microcombustor are [24]: Figure 13.2 Gas reactors ( not to scale ): {a) microcombustor; and (b) rnicroengine concept Large heat losses: The large surface-to-volume ratio and the high temperature gradient lead to heal losses, which is a safety advantage for chemical reactions, as discussed above, but may pose a problem for the flammability of the air/fuel mixture in a microcombustor. Based on the problems discussed above, the design considerations for a microcombustor are [24]: The microcombustor depicted in Figure 13,2( a) is fabricated with deep reactive ion etching in silicon

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