مهندسی شیمی::
میکروالکترونیک (ریز الکترونیک)
- The first is in the area of microelectronics, such as UV and X- ray sources, in order to push back the ultimate limits of lithography.
Several appliances that are used by the general public, which illustrates this convergence of microelectronics and micromechanics, will be discussed later in this chapter.
The creation of these print heads requires the same technology as that used in microelectronics.
Certain types of generators that transform vibrations into electrical energy use the same techniques that are employed in microelectronics.
Benefiting from the technologies developed for microelectronical circuits, digital microfluidics is inciting a revolution in the lab-on-chip technology, whose field of application is considerable.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران