داستان آبیدیک




1 عمومی:: سست‌، معتدل‌، ملایم‌، مهربان‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general::   adj. not very cold VERBS be | turn Towards the end of the week the weather turned very mild. | remain ADV. very | quite, relatively It's quite mild for the time of year. | surprisingly, unseasonably, unusually The late summer air was surprisingly mild. not severe or strong VERBS be, seem The infection seems quite mild, so she should be better soon. ADV. very | comparatively, fairly, pretty, quite, reasonably, relatively a fairly mild flavour gentle and kind VERBS be, sound His voice was deceptively mild. ADV. seemingly | deceptively

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

2 general:: adj. warm: We had a mild winter last year. adj. moderate: She had a mild case of the flu. adj. gentle: He was a strong but mild man.

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