داستان آبیدیک




1 عمومی:: نیروی‌ نظ‌امی‌ (بومی‌)، امنیه‌، جنگجویان‌ غیر نظ‌امی‌، شبه نظامی

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general::   noun ADJ. armed a highly armed militia | voluntary, volunteer | local | government VERB + MILITIA join, serve in | raise, recruit | create, form, set up The anarchists started to form volunteer militias. | train | disarm, disband MILITIA + NOUN forces, group, unit | commander, leader

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

2 general:: noun ordinary citizens: That army was mostly composed of militia., noun citizen army: The militia is needed in case of war.

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