داستان آبیدیک




1 general::   noun area where there are mines VERB + MINEFIELD advance into/through, enter situation full of difficulties ADJ. legal, political Suggesting changes to the benefits system would be a political minefield. VERB + MINEFIELD negotiate, pick your way through You will first have to pick your way through the minefield of professional advice. PREP. ~ for Tax is a minefield for the unwary.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

2 general:: minefield verbs be (a bit of a) minefield • Dating can be a bit of a minefield. pick your way through a minefield ( also navigate/negotiate a minefield ) (= behave in a careful way to avoid problems in a difficult situation ) • The guide helps you pick your way through the minefield of buying a new car. lead/guide somebody through the minefield of something (= help someone avoid problems ) • Talk to a financial advisor, who can guide you through the minefield of stocks and shares. adjectives a political minefield • Challenging the system would be to enter a political minefield. a legal minefield • the legal minefield of buying a house overseas an ethical minefield • The issue of animal testing is an ethical minefield.


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