زمینشناسی و معدن::
Parsons of the University of Toronto presented a paper to the Mineralogical Society of America, describing how a number of minerals required specific environmental conditions - darkness, low or high humidity, steady or low temperature, and avoidance of exposure to radioactivity - if they are to be preserved.3 This aroused a lively response, and four years later Parsons listed a further selection of vulnerable minerals.4 In the 1930s FA.
King has written a series of papers explaining basic collecting and curatorial techniques, aimed at the amateur curator,2*'2627 who may also encounter sporadic papers in The Mineralogical Record and The Journal of the Russell Society describing new or improved techniques for the conservation and care of collections.
Many of the best curated collections are owned by amateur collectors who have a thorough knowledge of the material in their carc, and value its importance to our mineralogical heritage as well as its remarkable aesthetic appeal.
The buffering capacity of several types of silica gels have been determined.2627 The results for a regular and an intermediate density silica gel, both of which are useful for mineralogical preservation applications, are given in Figure 3.15.
Certain mineralogical and petrological specimens that are capable of surviving a single drying cycle may still be damaged by exposure to repeated cycles of high and low RH.
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