داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: بدبخت، تیره‌ روز، بدبخت‌، تیره‌ بخت‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: adj. wretched: Her illness made her feel miserable.

Simple Definitions

2 general:: very sad miserable very sad, especially because you are lonely, cold, ill, or upset – used about people and periods of time: • I felt miserable and blamed myself for what had happened. • Her life was miserable. • I had a miserable time at college. depressed very sad and without hope for a long time, because things are wrong in your life or because of a medical condition: • After his wife left him, he became depressed and refused to talk to anyone. heartbroken extremely sad because of something that has happened to someone or something that you care about very much: • She was heartbroken when her dog died. distressed/distraught very upset because of something bad that has happened, so that you cannot think clearly: • She was very distressed when he left her. • The boy’s hospital bed was surrounded by distraught relatives. devastated [ not before noun ] extremely sad and shocked, because something very bad has happened: • The whole town was devastated by the tragedy.


3 general::   adj. VERBS be, feel, look We got home feeling tired and miserable. | become ADV. bloody (taboo), damned, dead, intensely, really, very | thoroughly, utterly | pretty, quite, rather PREP. about feeling utterly miserable about his exams

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

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