


1 عمومی:: پیراستن‌، اصلاح‌ كردن‌، اصلاح کردن، تعدیل‌ كردن‌، تغییر دادن‌

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1 general::   verb ADV. considerably, drastically, greatly, heavily, profoundly, radically, significantly, substantially The original text has been modified so radically that it is barely recognizable. | a little, partially, partly, slightly, somewhat | gradually | constantly | specially | appropriately, suitably | accordingly | chemically, genetically genetically modified organisms VERB + MODIFY have to, need to You may need to modify your plans a little. PHRASES highly modified, in a modified form These ideas are still used today, though in a slightly modified form. | a modified version using a highly modified version of the program

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

2 general:: verb change: You will have to modify your plans.

Simple Definitions

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