داستان آبیدیک




1 عمومی:: حرفه‌، صنعت‌، رمز، هنر، سر، معما، میستری، راز، پیشه‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: noun puzzle: It was a mystery who did it.

Simple Definitions

2 general:: mystery verbs be a mystery • It’s a mystery how he got my phone number. remain a mystery • What caused the accident remains a mystery. solve/unravel a mystery (= find out what happened ) • The children were given the clues and had to try to solve the mystery. the mystery deepens (= it becomes more difficult to understand ) • Why would he run away if he were not guilty? The mystery deepens. the mystery surrounding something • Research has unravelled much of the mystery surrounding the ageing process. adjectives a complete/total mystery • She said that her husband’s disappearance was a complete mystery. an unsolved mystery • What happened to her is still an unsolved mystery. a great mystery (= a big and important mystery ) • It is one of the great mysteries of science. a little/minor mystery • It was a minor mystery how the file had survived the fire. a big mystery • If they are right, they have solved one of the biggest mysteries in astronomy. phrases something is one of life’s (little) mysteries (= it is something that you will never understand – used humorously ) • Where socks disappear to after they’ve been washed is one of life’s little mysteries. mystery 2 verbs be shrouded/veiled in mystery (= be unable to be explained ) • The origins of this tradition remain shrouded in mystery. mystery surrounds something (= something cannot be explained ) • Mystery has always surrounded the purpose of the great stone circle of Stonehenge. adjectives deep mystery (= big and important mystery ) • the deep mystery of the human mind great mystery • We wondered about the great mystery of death. phrases an element of mystery (= part of something that seems mysterious ) • There is an element of mystery and miracle in the process. an air of mystery (= something that seems mysterious ) • There was an air of mystery about him. a sense of mystery (= a feeling that something is mysterious ) • The garden had hidden corners that gave it a sense of mystery.


3 general::   noun ADJ. big, great How the disease started is one of medicine's great mysteries. | little, minor, small one of life's little mysteries | complete, total She was a total mystery to him despite their long association. | whole He had found the clue to unlock the whole mystery | certain Her blue eyes had a certain mystery. | real | central the central mystery of the story | deep, profound a place of deep mystery and enchantment | arcane | dark, terrible | fascinating | insoluble | unexplained, unsolved | religious, sacred | scientific | murder He is the author of several murder mysteries. VERB + MYSTERY be, present (sb with), remain How these insects actually communicate presents something of a mystery. | have, hold It was easy to believe that the tiny hamlet held some great mystery. | be cloaked in, be shrouded in, be veiled in The whole incident was shrouded in mystery. | lose Air travel has lost much of its mystery. | clear up, explain, resolve, solve, uncover, unlock, unravel The police are close to solving the mystery of the missing murder weapon. | shed/throw light on The witness could shed no light on the mystery of the deceased's identity. | explore, fathom, grapple with, penetrate, understand Her poetry attempts to penetrate the dark mystery of death. | ponder (on) She pondered the mystery of the disappearing thief. MYSTERY + VERB deepen The mystery deepened when the police's only suspect was found murdered. | surround sth the mystery surrounding her resignation MYSTERY + NOUN man, woman Their suspect was a mystery man: a quiet, happily married man with no enemies. | caller, guest | tour | disease, illness, virus PREP. ~ about There's a bit of a mystery about this child. | ~ as to It remains a mystery as to where he was buried. | ~ to My sister is a complete mystery to me. PHRASES an air/aura of mystery Wearing dark glasses gives him an air of mystery. | something of a mystery, take the mystery out of sth Modern weather forecasts try to take the mystery out of meteorology.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

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