داستان آبیدیک




1 عمومی:: قدم‌، شیوه‌، تندی‌، گام‌زدن‌، با، سرعت‌، گام‌، خرامش‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران



American Heritage Idioms

2 general:: pace ADJECTIVES/NOUN + pace rapid/fast • The rapid pace of change creates uncertainty. slow • The pace of life in the countryside is slower. a steady pace • The economy was growing at a slow but steady pace. at your own pace (= at the pace that suits you ) • This allows each child to learn at his or her own pace. at a snail’s pace (= very slowly ) • Reform is proceeding at a snail’s pace. a breakneck pace (= extremely fast ) • Singapore prospered and modernized at a breakneck pace. a hectic/frantic pace (= a very fast and hurried speed ) • We worked at a hectic pace. verbs the pace quickens/accelerates • The pace of change is quickening. the pace slows/slackens • After a surge in exports, the pace slackened considerably the following year. gather pace (= happen more quickly ) • Support for the campaign is gathering pace. keep up the pace (= continue to do something or happen as quickly as before ) • China's society is transforming but can it keep up the pace? keep up with the pace (= do something as fast as something else is happening or being done ) • It's essential that we constantly update our skills and keep up with the pace of change. phrases the pace of change • The pace of change accelerated dramatically in the early 1980s. the pace of life • Here, the sun shines every day and the pace of life is slower. the pace of development • The pace of development in computer graphics is amazing. the pace of reform • Some senior party figures favor a slower pace of reform. COMMON ERRORS >>> Do not say ' in your own pace ' or ' on your own pace '. Say at your own pace .


3 general:: pace sth off/out to measure a distance by taking steps of equal size across it and counting them • You can get a rough idea of the size of the room by pacing it out.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

4 general::   verb ADV. slowly | anxiously, nervously, restlessly She paced restlessly up and down. | about/around/round, back and forth, to and fro, up and down He paced slowly back and forth. VERB + PACE begin to PREP. about, around/round PHRASES begin pacing She began pacing round the room.,   noun one step VERB + PACE take Take two paces forward. | step back Step back three paces. PREP. ~ behind Two bodyguards remained a couple of paces behind the president throughout the walkabout. | ~ from I stopped a few paces from the edge of the cliff. speed ADJ. blistering, breakneck, breathtaking, brisk, cracking, fast, frantic, frenetic, frenzied, furious, good, great, hectic, lightning, lively, rapid | gentle, leisurely, relaxed, slow, unhurried, walking the slow pace of economic reform | even, measured, moderate, steady VERB + PACE gather, increase, quicken The project had a slow start, but is now gathering pace. Thinking that she was being followed, she quickened her pace. | slacken, slow down | dictate, set Brown set the pace in the first mile. | keep (up), maintain The younger children struggled to keep pace with the older ones. She kept up a pace of ten miles an hour. | stand You shouldn't have such a job if you can't stand the pace. PACE + VERB increase | slow PREP. at a … ~ They set off at a cracking pace. | ~ of The pace of change means that equipment has to be constantly replaced. The pace of life is much slower on the islands. PHRASES at sb's own pace The students work at their own pace. | at a snail's pace I set off at a snail's pace to conserve my energy for later in the race. | a change of pace I try to get away at weekends for a change of pace. | a turn of pace He's a skilful player with a good turn of pace.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

5 general:: noun rate: The pace of work is slow. verb stepped: He paced the floor waiting for me.

Simple Definitions

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