داستان آبیدیک




1 عمومی:: تجرد، وارستگی‌، حكمت‌، بردباری‌، فلسفه‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: noun pursuit of wisdom: She had a doctorate in philosophy.

Simple Definitions

2 general::   noun study of ideas about the meaning of life ADJ. ancient, classical | contemporary, modern | Eastern, Western | experimental, moral, natural (historical), political, religious, social PHRASES the philosophy of history/religion/scienceSUBJECT (for verbs and nouns) particular system of beliefs ADJ. competing, differing | prevailing humanism?the prevailing philosophy today in the Western world | basic, general, underlying | personal | homespun, simple the homespun philosophy that kept her going during this difficult period | liberal | design, economic, educational, management, market, political, religious, social a furniture-maker's design philosophy VERB + PHILOSOPHY develop, formulate developing a personal philosophy | articulate | adopt, embrace, espouse | reject PHILOSOPHY + VERB inform sth, underlie sth, underpin sth the philosophy underlying the education system | prevail the management philosophy which prevailed at that time PREP. ~ behind The new measures were introduced with no explanation of the philosophy behind them. PHRASES a philosophy of life/mind

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

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