These walls separate opposing traffic, the travel way from the ventilation plenum, or the travel way from the emergency egress corridor.
This space, commonly referred to as the upper plenum, is used to either exhaust or supply air to the tunnel.
Sometimes the upper plenum also contains utilities.
The configuration of the upper plenum depends on the shape of the tunnel.
For example, a circular tunnel will have roughly a half moon shape, while a box tunnel will have a box-shaped plenum, see Figures 4.2 through 4.4.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران
In addition, it was necessary to use plenum elements at the junctions to ensure continuous flow and equal air distribution through the main inlet channel and outlet duct, as Wendeker [21] has previously used.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران