داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: سركوب‌ كننده‌، مانع‌ شونده‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 سیاسی و روابط بین الملل:: سرکوبگر

Whenfaced with a repressive governmentand little opportunity for mobilization,rational choice proponentsargue that violence is a rationaldecision because it isa "relativelyinexpensive and simple alternative, and becauseits potential reward is high."56There simply is notanotheravailable option to usingviolence.57 Instead, relative deprivation theorists "do not present systematic evidence to demonstrate that inequality or structural change are necessary and sufficient conditions for violence."81 Sambanis suggests that economic inequality could be responsible for "increasing the risk of political instability or regime transition", but the catalyst is actually regime repressiveness.82 The combination of the two variables is a "potent...recipe for political instability" and presumably inevitable violent action.83 Instead, while a relationship between economic inequality and political violence may exist, it is more indirect than relative deprivation theorists would suggest. While oil in and of itself does not cause conflict, the rents from such natural resources "tend to consolidate what is already in place: incumbents remain in power and authoritarianism is reinforced."90 Ross suggests that natural resource wealth is linked to authoritarianism by state repression "Citizens in resource-rich states may want democracy as much as citizens elsewhere, but resource wealth may allow their governments to spend more on internal security and so block the population's democratic aspirations."91 28 The term dates back to the late 1950s when the Netherlands discovered natural gas off its shores. Rather it suggests that the degree of political inclusion and nature of state repression are better indicators of political violence. The "repressiveness of the political system or regime" is the prime indicator of political violence.98

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