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Yet Theodore Roosevelt- who knew little or no economics and had lost a large portion of his inheritance in his one business venture- said that discount shipping rates were discriminatory and should be forbidden "in every shape and form."26 Senator John Sherman, author of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, also introduced legislation to ban differential shipping rates, apparently at the prompting of a refinery that shipped its oil in barrels.27 Today, oil is still measured in barrels but it is shipped in tanker cars on railroads, in tanker trucks on land and in ocean-going oil tankers, as the whole industry now follows methods pioneered by John D.
What Senators Robert La Follette and Burton K.
As late as the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan was characterized by the Democrats' Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill as "Hoover with a smile" and, when Reagan's Secretary of the Treasury defended the administration's economic policies in a statement to Congress, Democratic Senator Ernest Hollings said, "That's Hoover talk, man!"
The fictitious Clarence Thomas has been described as a loner, permanently embittered by his controversial Senate confirmation hearings, "a virtual recluse in private life."72 A reporter for the Wall Street Journal called him "Washington's most famous recluse."73 Justice Thomas was depicted in a New Yorker article as someone who can really talk only to his wife and "the couple's life appears to be one of shared, brooding isolation."74 Because Justice Thomas and Justice Antonin Scalia have voted together so often in Supreme Court cases, he has been variously described as "a clone" of Scalia by syndicated columnist Carl Rowan75 and a "puppet" of Scalia by a lawyer from the American Civil Liberties Union.76 Similar statements about Justice Thomas' role on the Supreme Court have been common in the media.
Far from being a recluse permanently scarred by his Senate confirmation hearings, Justice Thomas frequently goes back to the Senate at mealtimes, according to the Washington Post:
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