adj. able to understand other people's feelings VERBS be | become | make sb Her experiences had made her sensitive to other people's troubles. ADV. deeply, extremely, highly, unusually, very a highly sensitive, caring man | increasingly | quite PREP. to Horses are very sensitive to their riders' moods. easily upset/annoyed VERBS be, seem | become | remain ADV. acutely, deeply, extremely, morbidly, painfully, particularly, terribly, very | a bit, pretty, rather PREP. about Teenagers are often very sensitive about their appearance. | to He was acutely sensitive to criticism. needing to be dealt with carefully VERBS be | become | remain ADV. extremely, highly, particularly, very this highly sensitive issue | fairly, rather, somewhat a somewhat sensitive question | commercially, environmentally, politically, socially commercially sensitive information reacting quickly/more than usual to sth VERBS be | become ADV. extremely, highly, morbidly, painfully, particularly, unusually, very | quite PREP. to Her eyes are very sensitive to light. able to measure very small changes VERBS be The bat's hearing is remarkably sensitive. ADV. acutely, especially, exquisitely, extremely, highly, keenly, remarkably, very The equipment is highly sensitive. | fairly, quite | enough, sufficiently The probe is sensitive enough to detect the presence of a single microbe. PREP. to sensitive to the slightest movement
Oxford Collocations Dictionary