داستان آبیدیک




1 عمومی:: متعدد، جدا، چندین‌، برخی‌ از، مختلف‌، چند

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: several more than a few people or things, but not a large number: • She’s been to Japan several times. • I’ve read several of his books. a number of something several. A number of sounds more formal than several: • We have received a number of complaints about last night’s programme. • There are a number of different airlines to choose from. quite a few several – used when emphasizing that there are rather a lot of people, things etc. Quite a few sounds more informal than several and is more commonly used in spoken English: • Quite a few people were already in the pool. • She made quite a few enemies. • It took him quite a few days to make up his mind.


2 general:: adj. a few: We went there several times.

Simple Definitions

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