داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: پوست‌، صدف‌ كندن‌، سنگ‌ نفت‌ زا، پوشش‌، سنگ‌ رست‌، صدف‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 زمین‌شناسی و معدن:: سنگ شیل

Weak rocks that are most likely to behave in a ductile manner (bend or flow) when subjected to differential stress include rock salt, shale, limestone, and schist. the surface-consist of a sequence of interbedded weak and strong rock layers, such as shale and well-cemented sandstone beds, that have been moderately deformed by folding. In these settings, the strong sandstone layers are often highly fractured, while the weak shale beds form broad undulating folds. In the Valley and Ridge Prov- ince, for instance, resistant sandstone beds remain as imposing ridges separated by valleys cut into more eas- ily eroded shale or limestone beds. Mountain peaks that provide the park's majestic scenery have been carved mainly from a thick sheet of Pre- cambrian limestones that were displaced, as essentially one unit, over much younger Cretaceous shale deposits.

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