علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی::
These are not condos but shantytowns, the often illegal settlements of impoverished factory workers and unemployed Mexicans.
These shantytowns are often found close to the border where we also find maquiladoras, foreign-owned plants set up in special economic zones that import materials and equipment on a duty- and tariff-free basis to have goods assembled by low-paid laborers for export.
The shantytowns epitomize the practices of appropriation, pastiche, and bricolage described throughout this book.
The structural logic of shantytown dwellers is put forward in the studio's own designs as a form of knowledge that exerts pressure upon design born of affluence and privilege.
participants to walk with him through a sewage drain recently construced by Homeland Security under the border between an unpopulated area of San Diego border and an expanse of the Mexican city of Tijuana in which about 85,000 people live in shantytowns close to the massive border wall.
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