

1 عمومی:: گستردگی (اشتراکی)

Early research in this domain primarily focused on the degree to which such mental models are shared among team members, as sharedness is thought to allow team members to anticipate each other's actions and coor- dinate behaviors. Later work continued to explore different types of SMMs, while also moving beyond mental model sharedness, and most recently, has begun to identify different antecedents of TMMs. Finally, in anesthesia, task monitoring behaviors have been shown to be influenced by the accuracy and sharedness of team mental models (e.g. for under- standing of task), with implications for decision making (Burtscher, Kolbe, Wacker, & Manser, 2011). TMMs have two primary properties: sharedness (the degree to which members' mental models overlap with one another) and accuracy (the degree to which members' and experts' mental models are consistent). Team processes have frequently been found to mediate the relation- ship between TMM sharedness and team performance (e.g.

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