داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: سردوش

Install lower end 2'-8" (80cm) AFF (away from shower) and incline at 30 degrees to approximately 3'-8" (1.1m) adjacent to showerhead. Grab bar is to be located on the sidewall 10" (25cm) off the showerhead walls in showers. NOTE: Plastic, acrylic or fiberglass tubs and wall enclosures are not allowed. 10b-6.04 Showerhead water supply must be roughed in at 7' (2m) AFF or be an adjustable rail with a maximum height of 7' (2m) AFF. 10b-6.05 NAM and CSACRB Regions: A Speakman Anystream 2000, Model H-2005 showerhead is required. HUKI, MEA, AP, EU Regions: An adjustable showerhead with a fine and coarse spray is required.

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