noun sth you hear ADJ. big, deafening, loud, powerful We need a big powerful sound from the trumpets in the final passage. | audible | faint, little, soft | high | deep, low | clean, clear, sharp He produces a good clean sound on his flute. | piercing | muffled | amazing, beautiful, good, lovely, pleasing | awful, horrible, sickening There was a sickening sound as his head made contact with the concrete. | familiar, strange | distinctive | haunting | booming, buzzing, clanking, etc. | metallic | hollow | distorted | distant the distant sound of church bells | guitar, piano, etc. She tried to describe what made a good guitar sound. | speech, vowel VERB + SOUND hear | emit, make, produce, pronounce, transmit, utter What's making that awful creaking sound? Three bones transmit sounds to the inner ear. He didn't utter a single sound throughout the meeting. SOUND + VERB carry, travel Sound carries well over calm water. | come A strange sound came from the box. | echo | die away SOUND + NOUN wave | effect | bite As a politician he is a master of the 30-second sound bite. PREP. at the ~ of He turned around at the sound of footsteps behind him. | without a ~ The door opened without a sound. | ~ of the sound of breaking glass | ~ from There was a strange sound from downstairs. PHRASES the speed of sound 2 the sound from television/radio, etc. ADJ. recorded | mono, stereo VERB + SOUND turn down/up Can you turn the sound up? SOUND + NOUN level, quality | system a stereo sound system | recording | recorder | engineerNOTEsoundsgive a ~ The dog gave a low growl.let out a ~ He let out a blood-curdling scream.hear ~ We heard the peal of church bells.with a ~ The vase fell to the ground with a great crash.~ of a roar of laughter a snort of derision the whine of an engine, adj. in good condition VERBS be, feel, look, seem ADV. extremely, very | fairly, pretty, quite, reasonably That seems like fairly sound advice. | structurally Is the building structurally sound? PHRASES safe and sound (= not hurt) We arrived home safe and sound. sensible VERBS be, seem ADV. extremely, very | absolutely, perfectly She had a perfectly sound reason for acting as she did. | fairly, pretty, reasonably | basically, fundamentally | commercially, ecologically, environmentally, financially, ideologically, theoretically It was a financially sound investment.
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
sound off informal to express your opinions forcefully, especially without being asked for them • He's always sounding off about how he thinks the country should be run., sound sb out [ M ] to discover informally what someone thinks or intends to do about a particular thing, so that you can be prepared or take suitable action • Perhaps you could sound the chairwoman out before the meeting, to see which way she's going to vote?
Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs