داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: پلاکت (ترومبوسیت)

Close controls of the blood count and thrombocytes in the therapy-free interval are mainly recommended for the combination therapy with bone marrow damaging drugs. Blood count, thrombocytes, electrolytes and renal as well as liver function should be checked before treatment and prior to every single therapy course. Lowest values for granulocytes, thrombocytes and haemoglobin has been observed on days 9-25 with a median at days 12-17. Once the white blood cells (leukocytes) (>3500/µl) respectively platelets (thrombocytes) (>100 000/µl) have increased again, treatment can be resumed - if necessary at a reduced dose - provided there are no overall adverse effects (see above) that prevent continuation of therapy. Leukocytes < 3,500 or thrombocytes < 100,000 Suspend therapy until increase of leukocytes (≥ 3,500) and thrombocytes

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