داستان آبیدیک




1 عمومی:: آموزش

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: noun discipline: The training was difficult. noun instruction: He needs more training to do the job.

Simple Definitions

2 general::   noun learning skills ADJ. basic, initial, preliminary New recruits undergo six weeks' basic training at this naval base. | advanced, high/higher, high-level | comprehensive, systematic, thorough | extensive, lengthy | intensive | essential, necessary | minimum | adequate, proper No one must operate the machinery without proper training. | inadequate | minimal Using spreadsheets requires minimal training. | excellent, first-class, high-quality | specialist | hands-on, practical | theoretical | continuous, long-term, ongoing | individual, one-to-one | formal, informal He is good at selling, although he has had no formal training. | job, job-related, occupational, professional, vocational, work-related | in-service, on-the-job | off-the-job | external | internal, on-site | computer-based | mental, moral, physical, social | academic, educational, industrial, intellectual, journalistic, legal, management, medical, military, musical, scientific, technical | first-aid | assertiveness | potty (= when a child learns to use a potty) | staff, teacher VERB + TRAINING do, get, have, receive, undergo You have to do a year's intensive training to become a paramedic. | give sb, provide (sb with) | require TRAINING + NOUN base, camp, centre, college, establishment, facility, school an army training base a teacher training college | activity, course, exercise, initiative, package, plan, programme, project, scheme, strategy, system The soldiers were building a bridge as a training exercise. | methods, policy, procedures, process, techniques, skills | needs, objectives, requirements | opportunities, provision | aid, device, equipment, material | manual | instructor, manager, officer, staff | body, committee, company, department, organization, provider, service | place, placement | event, workshop | day, period, etc. | budget, costs, fees PREP. by ~ She's an accountant by training. | in ~ I am delighted with the work he has done in training. | ~ for Training for nursing was on strictly formal lines. | ~ in Employees should be given training in safety procedures. physical exercises ADJ. hard, rigorous, serious, strict, tough She did six months' hard training before the marathon. | pre-season VERB + TRAINING do TRAINING + NOUN run, session, stint | regime, regimen, routine, schedule | ground, pitch, track (figurative) This local newspaper has been a training ground for several top journalists. PREP. in ~ Lewis is in serious training for the Olympics. | ~ for

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

3 general:: training verbs give somebody/provide training • Employees should also be given adequate training in fire safety precautions. receive/have/undergo training • A small group would receive intensive training, and then would train others. need/require training • The team will need extra software training. training + NOUN a training course/programme • All staff are invited to take any training course at company expense. a training session • Make sure you attend the computer training sessions. a training manual • She has written a training manual for social workers. ADJECTIVES/NOUN + training on-the-job training (= while doing a job rather than in a classroom ) • On-the-job training was seen as more important than formal education. in-service training (= while working for an employer ) • Most employees take advantage of our in-service training program. formal training • Vaughan had no formal training in art. staff training • Insufficient priority is given to staff training. teacher training • Applications for postgraduate teacher training have increased by nearly 50%. job/vocational training • The college provides vocational training for nurses and theatre technicians. basic training • All navy cooks undergo basic training as sailors.


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