داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: انط‌رف‌ اقیانوس‌ اط‌لس‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 سیاسی و روابط بین الملل:: فراآتلانتیک

Even before the transatlantic crisis over Iraq, the debate across Europe on how to react to 11 September became inextricably linked to a rising concern with US unilateralism and excessive reliance on mili- tary tools. In 2003, the doubtful humanitar- ian character of the Iraqi war and the breach of multilateralism by the US Administration, provoked strong opposition by the EU institutions and several EU member states, but also saw other members side with Washington, thereby creating an internal crisis nearly as serious as the transatlantic one. This also explains the depth of the current uncertain status of transatlantic relations and its intra-European repercussions. The current transatlantic crisis and the EU military deficiencies are complicating factors. The end of the Cold War has not yet brought an end to multilateralism, but problems associated with the role of the US as benevolent leader and good transatlantic relations are threatening the continued success of multilateralism.

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