داستان آبیدیک



1 علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی:: زمیولوژیکی

A zemiological turn in social science could have helped to clarify the situation and provide some early warnings, but the current way we think about harm remains rather incoherent because a clear founding ethical concept has not been formulated. The zemiological aspect of managed deaptation is an attendant ideology that categorises and evaluates harms across a spectrum defined at one end by absolute evils and at the other by unfortunate but necessary collateral damage. The problem with critical criminology's structural analyses is that they neglect the fact that some of the more active amongst the powerless accept and act in accordance with these ideological principles (Winlow 2001; Hall 2012a), and therefore make their own relatively small but nevertheless numerous contributions to the overall zemiological aggregate (Hall and Antonopoulos 2016). A zemiologically informed criminology could open up crucial gaps in which politically important new conceptions of our current reality can be constructed. As the quest to represent and intervene in reality was abandoned and the 'passion for the real' (Badiou 2007) fell back and fragmented into the diversity of anachronistic fantasies thrown up by neoliberalism's disintegration, it has become increasingly difficult to tell which criminological and zemiological threats are real and which are constructed: Trump or Clinton, street crime or corporate crime?

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