


1 general:: refugee


2 Law:: vagrant; tramp; wanderer; vagabond

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3 Law:: rogue (ie and idle wandering beggar, vagrant or vagabond, in English usu used in the phrase rogues and vagabonds, in Persian also ولگرد)

فرهنگ تشریحی - کاربردی حقوق تالیف هرمز رشدیه

4 Law:: refugee

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5 Law:: homeless; homeless person

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6 Law:: evacuee : a person who is removed from his home or community in time of war or pressing danger as a protective measure – usually used in its plural form) (the villagers fed and housed the evacuees from the blitzed city(

فرهنگ تشریحی - کاربردی حقوق تالیف هرمز رشدیه

7 Law:: displaced person : a person expelled, deported, or impelled to flee from his country of nationality or habitual residence by the forces or consequences of war or oppression – abbr. DP) 7. a dislodged person (typically as the result of earthquake, flood or other natural mishap)

فرهنگ تشریحی - کاربردی حقوق تالیف هرمز رشدیه

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