داستان آبیدیک




1 Accounting and finance:: Validity, Credit


2 general:: goodwill, balance, esteem, trust, importance


3 general:: force

شبکه مترجمین ایران

4 general:: reliability

ارزیابی اعتبار و روایی ابزارهای اندازه گیری

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

5 Law:: authenticity ( : the quality of being authentic : the quality of being authoritative, valid, true, real, or genuine) • validity

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6 Law:: force

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7 Law:: effect

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8 Law:: credit

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9 Law:: allotment

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10 Law:: reputation; good reputation; credibility : the quality that makes something (as a witness or some evidence) worthy of belief; repute; prestige

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11 Law:: standing

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12 Law:: admissibility (said mainly of evidence) (for phrasal verbs beginning with اعتبار see in this entry)

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13 Law:: full faith and credit (in family law, Estine doctrine is the principle that, although full faith and credit is given to a divorce decree to terminate a marriage, a spousal support provision may not be recognized unless the court entering the order had jurisdiction over both spouses – B(

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