داستان آبیدیک




1 general:: prescription


2 Law:: edict; firman; precept; mandate; writ of mandamus (the writ of mandamus has traditionally been issued in the (U.S.) federal courts only “to confine an inferior court to a lawful exercise of its prescribed jurisdiction or to compel it to exercise its authority when it is its duty to do so); • letters patent (an instrument issued by a government to the patentee, granting or confirming a right to the exclusive possession and enjoyment of land, or of a new invention or discovery. In England they are writings sealed with the Great Seal of England, whereby a man is authorized to do or to enjoy anything that otherwise of himself he could not. They are so termed by reason of their form, because they are open (patentes) with the seal affixed, ready to be shown for confirmation of the authority given by them)

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