1 general:: forger, inventor
2 Law:: counterfeiter (of coins, banknotes, other people’s signatures, etc); forger (a banknote/will/signature); fabricator (of a false statement, or forgery); inventor (of a story, report, etc)
فرهنگ تشریحی - کاربردی حقوق تالیف هرمز رشدیه
3 Law:: (in the unilaterally revocable quasi-contract of جعاله which see) the person or persons who voluntarily obligate themselves to pay a nominated performing party or parties (designated عامل or عاملين and مجعول له ), or anyone else in their stead, a certain amount of money or other form of compensation for something that he or they want to be done. جاعل in this sense is peculiar to the Islamic canon law and has no precise equivalent in the English language. It is one of the parties to a contract of جعاله which see.