

1 general:: trial, judgement


2 Law:: • litigation : the process of carrying on a lawsuit <[commercial court is] a court established for the expeditious transaction of litigation relating to commercial matters – JBS> • action : a civil or criminal judicial proceeding • action at law <[interlocutory judgment is] an action at law, given upon some defense, proceeding, or default, which is only intermediate and does not finally determine or complete the action – JBS> • procedure : the judicial rule, mode, or manner for carrying on a civil lawsuit or criminal prosecution (divided into civil procedure and criminal procedure) • proceeding(s) : 1. the regular and orderly progression of a lawsuit, including all acts and events between the time of commencement ;and judgment 2. any procedural means for seeking redress from a tribunal or administrative agency 3. the business conducted by a court or other official body • legal proceeding(s) : any proceeding authorized by law and instituted in a court or tribunal to acquire a right or to enforce a remedy • legal procedure • judicial process • judicial proceeding : any court proceeding • cognizance : jurisdiction, or the exercise of jurisdiction, or power to try and determine causes; judicial examination of a matter, or power and authority to make it. Judicial notice or knowledge; the judicial hearing of a cause – HCB <[an archdeacon] visits the clergy, and has his separate court for punishment of offenders by spiritual censures, and for hearing all other causes of ecclesiastical cognizance – JBS> < ‘excommunication’ or ‘excommengement’ [is] a spiritual censure for offenses falling under ecclesiastical cognizance – JBS> • transaction of litigation <[commercial court is] a court established for the expeditious transaction of litigation relating to commercial matters – JBS> • trial • hearing : a judicial session, usu. open to the public, held for the purpose of deciding issues of fact or of law, sometimes with witness testifying • practice : practice is the procedure in a court of justice, through the various stages of any matter, civil or criminal, depending before it • prosecution : a criminal proceeding in which an accused person is tried (also محاكمه )

فرهنگ تشریحی - کاربردی حقوق تالیف هرمز رشدیه

3 Law:: مدني

فرهنگ تشریحی - کاربردی حقوق تالیف هرمز رشدیه

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