( See also دعوا ، مدعا and ادعا) • claim (in Persianدرخواست غرامت از بيمه ) • case • action : a lawsuit brought in a court; a formal complaint within the jurisdiction of a court of law. The legal and formal demand of one’s right from another person or party made and insisted on in a court of justice. HCB. • action of law • lawsuit : a vernacular term for a suit, action or cause instituted or depending between two private persons in the courts of law. A suit at law or in equity; an action or proceeding in a civil court; a process in law instituted by one party to compel another to do him justice. HCB • suit : a general term, of comprehensive signification, referring to any proceeding by one person or persons against another or others in a court of law in which the plaintiff pursues, in such court, the remedy which the law affords him for the redress of an injury or the enforcement of a right, whether at law or in equity (244) • contest in a court of law; judicial contest; judicial controversy • legal action ( also اقدام قانوني ) • pretension : 1. an allegation of doubtful value : pretext 2. a claim or an effort to establish a claim 3. a claim or right to attention or honor because of merit • action at law (i.e. at common law courts) (298, 372) • dispute : a conflict or controversy; a conflict of actions; an assertion of a right, claim or demand on one side, met by contrary claims or allegations on the other. The subject of litigation; the matter for which a suit is brought and upon which issue is joined, and in relation to which jurors are called and witnesses examined. HCB • cause : A reason for an action or condition. A ground of legal action. A suit, litigation, or action. Any question, civil or criminal, litigated or contested before a court of justice (277, 381, 389) • litigation : A lawsuit. Legal action, including all proceedings therein. Contest in a court of law for the purpose of enforcing a right or seeking a remedy. A judicial contest, a judicial controversy, a suit at law • actions legis (Lat) /ækshiyowniyz liyj(s/ In the Roman law, legal or lawful action; actions of or at law ( legitimæ actions ). • lis (Lat) /lis/ : a controversy or dispute; a suit or action at law
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