داستان آبیدیک




1 general:: maniac, insane, crazy


2 Law:: n (pl: مجانين), adj ■ n an insane person; a mentally deranged person; lunatic; a lunatic; person of unsound mind; maniac, madman, madwoman, psychopath, psychotic; fool; eccentric ■ adj insane, mentally ill, mentally disordered, of unsound mind, certifiable; psychotic, schizophrenic; mad, deranged, demented, out of one’s mind, non compos mentis (Lat) : not sound of mind; crazy; interdit (French law) : Any person who, on account of insanity, has become incapable of controlling his interests, can be ut under the control of a guardian, who shall administer his affairs with the same effect as he might himself. Such a person is said to be interdit, and his status is described as interdiction. HCB

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