agreement, treaty
treaty : a : an agreement or arrangement made by negotiation: (1) : private treaty (2) : a contract in writing between two or more political authorities (as states or sovereigns) formally signed by representatives duly authorized and usually ratified by the lawmaking authority of the state b : a document in which such a contract is set down (a peace treatya (enter into a treaty of commerce (with)e
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pact : compact; especially : an international treaty
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convention : a : agreement, contract b : an agreement between states for regulation of matters affecting all of them c : a compact between opposing commanders especially concerning prisoner exchange or armistice d : a general agreement about basic principles or procedures; also : a principle or procedure accepted as true or correct by convention – in this sense in Persian, قرارداد
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conventio (Lat) : In canon law, the act of summoning or calling together the parties by summoning the defendant. In Civil law, a compact, agreement, or convention. An agreement between two or more persons respecting a legal relation between them. The term is one of very wide scope, and applies to all classes of subjects in which an engagement or business relation may be founded by agreement. It is to be distinguished from the negotiations or preliminary transactions on the object of the convention and fixing its extent, which are not binding so long as the convention is not concluded. In contracts, an agreement; a covenant. HCB
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