داستان آبیدیک




1 Law:: a defendant in a civil or criminal case – defendant (in Persian, in a civil or criminal case) ● reus (Lat, pl: rei) : In the civil law and canon law, a male defendant in an action or suit. A person judicially accused of a crime; a person criminally proceeded against. HCB. A party to a suit, whether plaintiff or defendant; a litigant. This was the ancient sense of the word. A party to a contract. Reus stipulandi : a party stipulating; the party who asked the question in the form prescribed for stipulations. Reus promittendi : a party promising; the party who answered the question. Persian is said only of a defendant in a civil or criminal case. (Actor – The proctor or advocate in civil courts or causes. Actor is also a plaintiff, as contrasted with reus, a defendant. Cowel, JBS

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