داستان آبیدیک




1 general:: Mufti, free


2 Law:: Mufti : a : (among shi’ite Muslims) a Muslim canonist that has attained the highest level of religious scholarship and that is able to issue prescriptive judgments or edicts, that is fatwa, on matters of religion as well as on certain questions of public concern or controversy b : (among sunni Muslims) a Muslim canonist, not necessarily having attained the highest level of religious scholarship, arriving at or basing a judgment of his own on the judgment(s) of an imam of any of the four sects of sunni Muslims – see also اجتهاد ، افتاء ، استفتاء مجتهد،

فرهنگ تشریحی - کاربردی حقوق تالیف هرمز رشدیه

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