داستان آبیدیک




1 general:: prohibition, prevention


2 Law:: prohibition : Inhibition, interdiction. Act or law prohibiting something, as

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3 Law:: Restraining or holding back. In ecclesiastical law, a writ issuing from a superior ecclesiastical court, forbidding an inferior judge to proceed further in a cause pending before him. In this sense it is analogous to the writ of prohibition at common law. Also the writ of a bishop or ecclesiastical judge that a clergyman shall cease from taking any duty … In the civil law, a prohibition which the law makes or a judge ordains to an individual. HCB

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4 Law:: interdiction : French law. Every person who, on account of insanity, has become incapable of controlling his own interests, can be put under the control of a guardian, who shall administer his affairs with the same effect as might himself. Such a person is said to be “interdit,” and his status is described as “interdiction.” / Civil law. A judicial decree, by which a person is deprived of the exercise of civil rights. HCB / French-Canadian law. A proceeding instituted for the purpose of obtaining a curator of the person and property, and includes the calling of a family council and a petition to the court or its prothonotary followed by a hearing. / International law. An

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5 Law:: proscription : an imposed restraint or restriction : interdiction, prohibition (the proscription of solicitation and advertising of enticing another’s clients – H. S. Drinker, W

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6 Law:: restraint : 1. Confinement, abridgement, or limitation (a restraint on the freedom of speecha 2. prohibition of action; holding back (the victim’s family exercised no restraint—they told the suspect exactly what they thought of himt

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7 Law:: interdict : in civil law, an injunction or other prohibitionary decree

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8 Law:: check (against all checks, rebukes, and manners, I must advancea

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9 Law:: restriction : a limitation, often imposed in a deed or lease respecting the use to which the property may be put

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