


1 general:: approval, agreement


2 Law:: agreement : 1. a : the act or fact of agreeing b : harmony of opinion, action, or character : concord 2. a : an arrangement as to a course of action b : compact, treaty 3. the language or instrument embodying such a contract duly executed and legally binding 4. a mutual understanding between two or more persons regarding their relative rights and duties as to past or future performances

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3 Law:: 1. accord : an amicable arrangement between parties, esp between peoples or nations; compact; treaty 2. an arrangement under which an obligee promises to accept a stated performance in satisfaction of the obligor’s existing duty – also termed (in sense

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4 Law:: concurrence : 1. agreement; assent 2. (English) a vote cast by a judge in favor of the judgment reached, often on grounds differing from those expressed in the majority opinion explaining the judgment 3. (English) a separate written opinion explaining such a vote. – also termed (in sense

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5 Law:: consensus (also اجماع) : 1. a : general agreement : unanimity (the consensus of their opinion, based on reports from the border — John Herseyf b : the judgment arrived at by most of those concerned (the consensus was to go aheadt 2. (English) group solidarity in sentiment and belief Usage : The phrase consensus of opinion, which is not actually redundant (see sense

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6 Law:: assent : agreement, approval, or permission (by common assentb (with one assent, ie به اتفاق آراءب (the executor’s assent to a bequest is essential to perfect a legatee’s titlet

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7 Law:: acceptance : 1. An agreement, either by express act or implied from conduct, to the terms of an offer so that a binding contract is formed; if an acceptance modifies the terms or adds new ones, it generally operates as a counteroffer 2. The formal receipt of and agreement to pay a negotiable instrument, esp a bill of exchange, that has been accepted for payment

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8 Law:: consent : Agreement, approval, or permission as to some act or purpose, esp given voluntarily by a competent person; consent is an affirmative defense to assault, battery, and related torts, as well as such torts as defamation, invasion of privacy, conversion, and trespass

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9 Law:: acquiescence : tacit or passive acceptance; implied consent (to an act)

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10 Law:: endorsement : 1. open and public approval (of an idea, etc) 2. open and public approval of sth or support for somebody (endorsement of a mayoral candidatee

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11 Law:: approval : The act of confirming, ratifying, assenting, sanctioning, or consenting to some act or thing done by another.

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12 Law:: stipulation : The name given to any agreement made by the attorneys engaged on opposite sides of a cause (especially if in writing), regulating any matter incidental to the proceeding or trial, which falls within their jurisdiction. Voluntary agreement between opposing counsel concerning disposition of some relevant point so as to obviate need for proof or to narrow range of litigable issues. … (English) An agreement, admission or confession made in a judicial proceeding by the parties thereto or their attorneys. … Such are evidently devices used to simplify and expedite trials by dispensing with the need to remove formally uncontested factual issues. HCB

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