داستان آبیدیک




1 general:: incompatible


2 general:: maladaptive

شبکه مترجمین ایران

3 psychology and counseling:: maladjusted

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

4 Law:: /فاقد سازگاري، ناموافق، ستيزه‌جو، بدسلوك، ناملايم، دشمن‌خو، تاخوش‌طبع، منافي، متناقض، متضاد، مانعة الجمع، گردنيامدني، ناملايم/ ■ adj that does not go or conform with, eg a : (of things) inconsistent; incompatible with; conflicting (with); naturally exclusive b : (of situations, circumstances, conditions(s) ) adverse; unfavorable c : (of relations between two persons) rather hostile; unfriendly; at loggerheads d : (of children) mal-adjusted ■ n person that is maladjusted in general, or that has problems getting along with another person

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