داستان آبیدیک




1 general:: people, person


2 Law:: Unit for counting persons or people always preceded either by an ordinal or by a cardinal number (eg يك نفر، دو نفر، سه نفر [one, two, three persons (people)] or اولين نفر، دومين نفر، سومين نفر , etc, [the first, the second, the third person] or followed by an ordinal number (eg نفر اول، نفر دوم، نفر سوم , etc, with nearly the same meaning as the previous group). In its plural form نفرات – meaning also ‘personnel’ in its military sense – it may never be preceded by a number, but it may be followed either by a noun or noun phrase, eg نفرات گروه الف (people in Group A) or by an ordinal number, or a noun phrase beginning with an ordinal number, eg نفرات اول در هر گروه (the top-ranking people in each (or ‘every’ group), or نفرات اول تا چهارم (the first four (persons, names, people); the first through the fourth; the first, the second, the third, and the fourth (person, name).

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