join (متصل كردن - به هم وصل ( كردن - متصل شدن • adhere (also ملحق شدن and رعايت كردن) • affiliate (sb/ sth (with sb/sth); Brit also affiliate sb/sth (to sb/sth) (often passive) • accede (to become a party as to an international treaty, convention, pact, agreement) • n accession (in International Law) the absolute or conditional acceptance by one or several nations of a treaty already concluded between other sovereigns. It may be of two kinds: First, the formal entrance of a third nation into a treaty so that such nation becomes a party to it; and this can only be with the consent of the original parties. Second, a nation may accede to a treaty between other nations solely for the purpose of guarantee, in which case, though a party, it is affected by the treaty only as a guarantor. HCB.
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